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BENZOIN SUMATRA Resin | Styrax benzoin


Welcome to Sacred Plants Australia.


We greet you in the love and light.


We currently have available:


  • BENZOIN SUMATRA Resin - Styrax benzoin


Our medicinal grade Benzoin Sumatra resin possesses a high quality aromatic profile and is 100% pure.


Our Benzoin Sumatra Resin is ethically harvested from ancient Styrax benzoin trees on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Benzoin from Sumatra is regarded as the purest and highest quality available in the world.  Unlike other Benzoins, Sumatran Benzoin resin contains Cinnamic Acid in addition to Benzoic Acid. The fragrant aroma of Benzoin Sumatra is described as sweet Vanilla with hints of Cinnamon. A truly heavenly scent. Great for use during meditation, ceremony and for medicinal applications.




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We do not advocate the use of any plant resin in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




If you have any questions, please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have a fantastic day and thank you for supporting our passion and our purpose.


Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia

BENZOIN SUMATRA Resin | Styrax benzoin

SKU: Benzoin Sumatra Resin Styrax benzoin
PriceFrom $15.00
  • Benzoin is an aromatic, evergreen tree growing from 8m - 34m tall with a slightly buttressed bole that can be from 10cm - 100cm in diameter. The plant excretes a fragrant balsam on being bruised. This species is the only source of the fragrant Benzoin sumatra resin. Traditionally, this has been gathered from the wild for local medicinal use. It first gained popularity in Europe towards the end of the 16th century, and now finds extensive use worldwide as a sacred incense and in the flavour, fragrance and pharmaceutical industries. It is probably best known as an ingredient of the herbal preparation 'Friar's Balsam’. The Shamans in the Batak highlands, as well as in Sumatra and Java, burn Benzoin Sumatra resin to help enter a trance state during healing ceremonies.


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